Nokukhanya Mntambo26 June 2024 | 6:35

Presidency doesn't believe GNU will derail Operation Vulindlela

Operation Vulindlela - which is set to coincide with the start of the seventh administration is aimed at overcoming stumbling blocks in the energy, logistics and telecomms in a bid to spur economic growth and job creation.

Presidency doesn't believe GNU will derail Operation Vulindlela

The DA and ANC entered into an arrangement in the Government of National Unity. Picture: GCIS

JOHANNESBURG - The Presidency says it doesn’t believe the Government of National Unity (GNU) will derail Operation Vulindlela.

Formed at the height of COVID-19, in 2020, the initiative is set to overcome stumbling blocks in the energy, logistics and telecoms in a bid to spur economic growth and job creation.

Phase two of Operation Vulindlela will coincide with the start of the seventh administration.

With 10 parties in the GNU, there are some concerns about how differences in priorities will shape the economic policy framework over the next five years.

Head of project management in the presidency, Rudi Dicks, said he was optimistic the new administration would set political differences aside and focus on the job at hand.

"I think that what we need to do is ensure there is alignment between the ministers and the work that we are doing. I don’t foresee any disruptions. This is important, this is for growth. At the end of the day, what we want to see is investment, we want to see growth, we want to see employment.

"And if structural reform programmes move us in that direction, as they have, then I think we’ll have a lot of ministers mobilise behind structural reform."