Lindsay Dentlinger26 June 2024 | 15:27

Parliament lays ground rules ahead of much-anticipated 7th administration Cabinet announcement

The National Assembly is pressing ahead in deciding how portfolio committees will be comprised while an announcement is awaited on President Cyril Ramaphosa’s new Cabinet.

 Parliament lays ground rules ahead of much-anticipated 7th administration Cabinet announcement

A view of Parliament in Cape Town on 25 June 2024. Picture: Lindsay Dentlinger/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - While South Africa is still in Cabinet limbo, Parliament has started laying the ground rules for how it will operate.

It includes expanding the size of the National Assembly (NA)’s portfolio committees to accommodate the increased number of political parties represented in the house after the May polls. 

On Wednesday, the presiding officers of both houses convened respective rules meetings to start setting up its structures and to determine speaking time in the house. 

Known as the engine rooms of Parliament, portfolio committees are where the executive is interrogated and legislation is scrutinised. 

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Although the portfolios usually mirror Cabinet - the NA is pressing ahead in deciding how they will be comprised while an announcement is awaited on President Cyril Ramaphosa’s new Cabinet. 

Parties have broadly agreed to expand them from 11 members to 15. 

But in line with its reduced electoral support – the African National Congress will have their representation reduced from six seats to five, while the Democratic Alliance gains an extra seat with three, while the uMkhonto weSizwe Party will have two seats and the Economic Freedom Fighters retain their single seat on committees. 

Smaller parties will have four seats to share among them on each committee. 

However, deciding on the number of committees and their actual portfolios has been deferred until a Cabinet announcement is made.