Lindsay Dentlinger24 June 2024 | 8:30

Ramaphosa: GNU can't be preoccupied with jockeying for positions, squabbles between parties

President Cyril Ramaphosa said the GNU statement of intent provided a solid base for genuine cooperation between parties across the political spectrum.

Ramaphosa: GNU can't be preoccupied with jockeying for positions, squabbles between parties

President Cyril Ramaphosa will be inaugurated on Wednesday 19 June at the Union Buildings. 

CAPE TOWN - President Cyril Ramaphosa says every effort must be made to ensure the Government of National Unity (GNU) remains true to its founding spirit of collaboration. 
While a Cabinet announcement was expected over the weekend, political parties are still thrashing out the best deal for themselves.
However, writing in his weekly newsletter on Monday, Ramaphosa said the GNU cannot be preoccupied with the jockeying for positions, tussles over appointments or squabbles within and between parties.


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The president said that the formation of the second Government of National Unity was a momentous development in South Africa's democracy. 
He said its success would be measured by the extent to which parties were prepared to focus on how they would govern, together, rather than a pre-occupation on who would govern. 
Ramaphosa said the GNU statement of intent provided a solid base for genuine cooperation between parties across the political spectrum. 
He said the parties had already agreed on priorities for the incoming administration, the top of those being rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth to create jobs. 
Ramaphosa said it was critical for the GNU to stay the course on the structural reform that was already underway to improve the business operating environment and to establish South Africa as an investment destination choice. 
But the pace of reform will have to be accelerated. 
Ramaphosa said as parties finalise the modalities of the GNU, the days and weeks that lie ahead would be crucial.