Lindsay Dentlinger24 June 2024 | 13:20

As the DA celebrates 24 years, it's aiming for significant Cabinet positions

The DA is reportedly pushing for at least eight Cabinet positions, and an equal number of deputy minister positions.

As the DA celebrates 24 years, it's aiming for significant Cabinet positions

The Democratic Alliance turned 24 on 24 June 2024.

CAPE TOWN - As the Democratic Alliance (DA) marks its 24th birthday on Monday, it will be hoping to top the celebrations with a significant number of positions in Cabinet and in Parliament.

The jostle for these posts as the second biggest party within the Government of National Unity (GNU) is ongoing and has still not yielded a cabinet as was expected over the weekend.

The DA is reportedly pushing for at least eight Cabinet positions and an equal number of deputy minister positions.

But getting its wish could leave the party with a weakened parliamentary caucus. 

During its years as the country’s main opposition, the DA has been known for the robust oversight role it’s played in the legislature, in particular exposing corruption within the executive.

But following the retirement of some of its seasoned MPs and the redeployment of others to provincial legislatures, their replacements are fairly inexperienced.

Taking up positions in national government would leave the 87-member caucus without its leaders John Steenhuisen and Siviwe Gwarube, as well as other seasoned legislators like Solly Malatsi, Dion George, James Lorimer, Bridget Masango, Natasha Mazzone and Dean Mcpherson.

Former deputy whip, Annelie Lotriet has already been elected as the deputy speaker, and the party is also hoping to chair several parliamentary portfolio committees.

After last month's polls, the party has lost both its former deployees to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, a key oversight body.

Now it will want to put its most-skilled members in executive portfolios - but at what cost to its parliamentary caucus.