Lindsay Dentlinger21 June 2024 | 9:34

Steenhuisen wants DA to play meaningful role in govt, believes policies can blend with ANC's

The second-largest party in the Government of National Unity (GNU), the Democratic Alliance (DA), has the most to gain and will be looking to lead key ministerial portfolios.

Steenhuisen wants DA to play meaningful role in govt, believes policies can blend with ANC's

DA leader John Steenhusen at the Union Buildings ahead of the 2024 presidential inauguration on 19 June 2024. Picture: Xanderleigh Dookey Makhaza/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - Talks between President Cyril Ramaphosa and other party leaders on Cabinet positions are expected to kick into high gear on Friday.

The second-largest party in the Government of National Unity (GNU), the Democratic Alliance (DA), has the most to gain and will be looking to lead key ministerial portfolios. 

DA leader John Steenhuisen says his party wants to play a meaningful role in government and doesn't intend to be pushed to the fringes.


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MALAIKA MAHLATSI: The government of national unity - a poisoned chalice? | Part 2

Speaking at the presidential inauguration this week, Steenhuisen said his party would be negotiating for portfolios in key areas outlined in its party manifesto such as energy, education, trade and infrastructure growth. 

He believes it's possible to blend the DA's policies with that of the African National Congress (ANC). 

"If I look at Operation Vulindlela for instance, the overwhelming majority of that we agree with and we believe we can accelerate the rollout of Operation Vulindlela."

The DA has hinted it would like Steenhuisen to take up a ministerial position in the Presidency. 

If this comes to pass, he says setting up a policy lekgotla would be a key first task. 

"It's very important that we do meld the policies together, that we do have a coherent plan for government over the next five years and that we start working on it. There’s no time to waste." 

It's believed the DA could be gunning for as many as eight Cabinet posts, as well as deputy minister positions.

Last week, the party took up the Deputy Speaker position in the National Assembly, with chairpersons of parliamentary portfolio committees also yet to be shared between GNU partners.