Alpha Ramushwana 21 June 2024 | 15:19

Gauteng and the Northern Cape only provinces with no MECs

The African National Congress lost its overwhelming majority in both provinces, forcing it to govern with other political parties.

Gauteng and the Northern Cape only provinces with no MECs

Picture: X/GPLegislature

JOHANNESBURG - Gauteng and the Northern Cape are the only provinces where Members of the Executive Council (MECs) are yet to be appointed.

The African National Congress (ANC) lost its overwhelming majority in both provinces, forcing it to govern with other political parties.

It is understood that the ongoing power sharing negotiations are the reason for the delay in appointing MECs.

The South African constitution requires the government to be up and running 14 days after the proclamation of the election results.

It however doesn't give deadlines on both national and provincial governments over to the appointment of their respective cabinets.

The ANC's electoral support in Gauteng declined to 34% meaning Premier Panyaza Lesufi's cabinet will be dominated by leaders from parties in the Government of Provincial Unity.

Gauteng government spokesperson Sizwe Pamla said that Lesufi's executive council should be announced sometime this weekend.

Meanwhile in the Northern Cape, the ANC said that the MECs will be appointed on Tuesday.