Babalo Ndenze19 June 2024 | 4:00

‘We need to take part’: PAC joins govt of national unity

The party has also defended its earlier decision to join the ‘progressive caucus’ of parties that rejected the government of national unity.

‘We need to take part’: PAC joins govt of national unity

Picture: Facebook/MyPAConline

CAPE TOWN - The Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) said it joined the Government of National Unity (GNU) to be part of the solution and not sit on the sidelines.

The party has also defended its earlier decision to join the "progressive caucus" of parties that rejected the GNU.

The PAC said it was trying to prevent the African National Congress (ANC) from collaborating with what it called right-wing political parties when it initially opposed the GNU.

Party Secretary-General Apa Pooe said joining the progressive caucus was offering an alternative to the ANC and Democratic Alliance (DA) coalition.

"When we joined the progressive caucus, the idea was to steer the ANC away from right-wing political parties. We were saying jointly with all these parties that are in the progressive forces that we are an alternative."

He said the party, after careful consideration, decided it couldn’t just be a spectator in the new dispensation.

"You cannot stand by the side of the road and watch. We need to take part."

He said they wouldn’t be discussing receiving any positions in government and that should be left entirely to the hands of the state president.