Lindsay Dentlinger 19 June 2024 | 15:00

Ramaphosa rallies South Africans to back new Government of National Unity

President Cyril Ramaphosa set out to deliver a message of optimism and hope as South Africa traverses the unknown.

Ramaphosa rallies South Africans to back new Government of National Unity

Spectators on the lawns outside the Union Buildings watch President Cyril Ramaphosa being sworn into office on 19 June 2024. Picture: Jacques Nelles/Eyewitness News

PRETORIA - President Cyril Ramaphosa has rallied South Africans to back the new Government of National Unity to move the country forward or face risking all that’s it built over the last thirty years.

Delivering his inaugural speech at the Union Buildings on Wednesday Ramaphosa says the new Government of National Unity will harness all its capabilities to advance the interests of South Africans.

Ramaphosa’s second term has been made possible through a new partnership formed with the Democratic Alliance (DA) and five other parties.

Ramaphosa set out to deliver a message of optimism and hope as South Africa traverses the unknown.

He said that has committed to working with all political parties to deliver on South Africans’ demands.

 "Now is the time to move forward - together we will and we can do more and better, as South Africans."

Ramaphosa said that addressing youth unemployment is a major focus area.

"We dare not linger. We dare not rest until we have created jobs for those who need them until there’s enough food on every table."

Ramaphosa said that the new government is committed to reducing violence, especially against women and children.

And holding those who steal from the public purse accountable.