Melikhaya Zagagana17 June 2024 | 14:29

WC Eskom says it's experiencing a backlog of unattended electricity faults

Eskom has also suspended its services in areas like Enkanini and Ndlovini in Khayelitsha due to recent robbery incidents of its staff members.

WC Eskom says it's experiencing a backlog of unattended electricity faults

CAPE TOWN - Eskom in the Western Cape says it's experiencing a backlog of unattended electricity faults within the Cape Metro Region.
The power utility says that one of the reasons for the power cuts is inclement weather. Vandalism, theft, and illegal connections have been common challenges in many affected areas.
Eskom has also suspended its services in areas like Enkanini and Ndlovini in Khayelitsha owing to recent robbery incidents of its staff members.
According to the entity it is in the process of engaging community leaders in Khayelitsha to find a solution to the problem.
The utility, however, said it's working around the clock to restore electricity in all affected areas.

 "We remind all customers to exercise caution and treat all appliances and Eskom infrastructure as live during this period and report any hazards to Eskom immediately," said Eskom's Candice January.