Melikhaya Zagagana 14 June 2024 | 12:30

NUMSA approaches CCMA to meet with Mercedes-Benz South Africa over retrenchments

The World Bank recently released a report that put South Africa's ports among the worst performers in the world.

NUMSA approaches CCMA to meet with Mercedes-Benz South Africa over retrenchments

Picture: THAM YUAN YUAN/Pixabay

JOHANNESBURG - Mercedes-Benz South Africa says prolonged challenges at some of the country's ports are one of the reasons it is laying off nearly 700 workers.

In a statement on Thursday, the company confirmed it had started a retrenchment process.

Meanwhile, the National Union of Metal Workers SA (NUMSA) expressed shock about the company's announcement.

The World Bank recently released a report that put South Africa's ports among the worst performers in the world.

Owing to some challenges experienced at ports, Mercedes-Benz South Africa said it would retrench more than a quarter of its staff at the East London plant.

It said the decision was made due to a dip in sales and prolonged issues at the country's ports.

Meanwhile, Numsa has raised concerns about the move, saying many families will be left without an income.

The union added that it is unlikely that the retrenched workers will find new jobs.

It has meanwhile, approached the CCMA to arrange a meeting with the automobile manufacturer.