Carlo Petersen13 June 2024 | 5:40

Stellenbosch University accepts panel recommendation that Wilgenhof residence be closed

The university said if the recommendation is accepted by its council, Wilgenhof will close at the end of 2024, and alternative uses of the space will be discussed for 2025.

Stellenbosch University accepts panel recommendation that Wilgenhof residence be closed

FILE: Stellenbosch University's Wilgenhof residence. Picture: Hans-Peter Klink via Wikimedia Commons

CAPE TOWN - Stellenbosch University accepted a recommendation from a panel that the controversial Wilgenhof residence should be closed.

The university said if the recommendation is accepted by its council, Wilgenhof will close at the end of 2024, and alternative uses of the space will be discussed for 2025.

Wilgenhof made news headlines recently after the discovery of disturbing items related to alleged institutionalised racism in two rooms of the residence earlier in 2024.

A three-person panel was then appointed to probe whether the university has been covering up unacceptable practices at Wilgenhof.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching Professor Deresh Ramjugernath said, "The discovery of the contents and appointment of the panel follow the university's consistent affirmation of its position on ensuring the dignity of all our students and staff and a commitment to eradicate unacceptable practices from our campuses and university student accommodation."