Lindsay Dentlinger12 June 2024 | 15:49

GOTG's Sooliman urges ANC to choose political partners with same position on Gaza

With an imminent change in government, Imtiaz Sooliman said that the momentum in challenging Israel's military action in Gaza should not be lost.

GOTG's Sooliman urges ANC to choose political partners with same position on Gaza

Picture: Katlego Jiyane/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - Gift of the Givers founder, Imtiaz Sooliman, is appealing to the African National Congress (ANC) to think carefully about its future political partners to ensure they share the same position on the war in Gaza. 

Sooliman is also appealing to President Cyril Ramaphosa to use his special powers to re-appoint International Relations Minister Naledi Pandor even though she’s not made the cut to return to Parliament. 

He was speaking at a dialogue hosted by the Leah and Desmond Tutu Foundation in Cape Town on Wednesday, aimed at furthering support for the Palestinian cause. 

ALSO READ: Mandla Mandela challenges govt to take stronger action against Israel

Doctor Imitiaz Sooliman said that collectively, Gift of the Givers staff had lost 175 family members during the past eight months of war in Gaza. 

Sooliman said he believed the killings of the organisation's Gaza head and his brother last November were deliberately orchestrated.

With an imminent change in government, Sooliman said that the momentum in challenging Israel's military action in Gaza should not be lost.

"This is a direct call to the ANC - be very careful about what coalitions, what partnerships you make because we cannot stop this process. There's been no government, no institution more brave than what South Africa has done." 

He also wanted Ramaphosa to choose Pandor as one of the two candidates he's allowed to appoint to his Cabinet from outside of Parliament. 

He said that she's been the face of South Africa’s fight for the Palestinian cause, and should be allowed to continue the work.

"We don't only owe it to the Palestinian people, we owe it to all people. As human beings, the spirit of ubuntu, we owe it to all people. What happened in the Holocaust should never happen again. What happened in Rwanda should never happen again." 

Sooliman said that his organisation was waiting to transport 26,000 tents into Gaza but was being blocked from entering with aid supplies.