Keely Goodall4 June 2024 | 14:25

What the signing of the Cannabis bill actually means for users

The Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill has officially been signed into law.

What the signing of the Cannabis bill actually means for users

Picture: © realcontent/

John Maytham speaks with Paul-Michael Keichel, attorney with environmental law firm Cullinan & Associates.

Listen to the interview in the audio below.

The Cannabis for Private Purposes Act allows adults to cultivate, possess, and consume cannabis for personal use.

It also automatically expunges criminal records for offences related to this.


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This Act being signed, essentially codifies the regime we have been living under since the 2018 Constitutional Court judgement says Keichel.

He adds that this does give clarity and certainty to the laws.

“After this, it will not be an excuse to say you did not understand.”
- Paul-Michael Keichel, attorney with environmental law firm Cullinan & Associates

A person cannot sell mature cannabis plants or products under this law.

However, Kiechel says cannabis seeds and immature plants are not defined as cannabis in the bill and thus their sale is not prohibited.

Listen to the interview in the audio below above.