Alpha Ramushwana3 June 2024 | 5:19

Al Jama-ah leader reveals party received a prophecy from Bushiri on its poll performance

Hendricks said that the party received a prophecy from the fugitive prophet before the polls, claiming Bushiri predicted the organisation would grow its electoral footprint in parts of the country.

Al Jama-ah leader reveals party received a prophecy from Bushiri on its poll performance

Malawian preacher Shepherd Bushiri waves at sympathisers as he leaves the Lilongwe Magistrate court on 19 November 2020, after skipping bail in South Africa, and was arrested in Malawi. Picture: AFP

JOHANNESBURG - While some political parties led campaigns to garner support in all corners of the country, some looked to controversial prophet, Shepherd Bushiri, for blessings leading to the election.

Al Jama-ah leader, Ganief Hendricks, told Eyewitness News that the party received a prophecy from the fugitive prophet before the polls.

He claimed Bushiri’s prophecy predicted that the organisation would grow its electoral footprint in parts of the country.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is still a wanted man in South Africa for fleeing the country to escape fraud and money laundering charges amounting to over R100 million.

Despite this, members of the Al Jama-ah party travelled to Bushiri’s church in Malawi and came back with the prophecy predicting the organisation’s electoral support would increase.

While Hendricks welcomed the prophecy, he said he had no control over the religious beliefs of party members.

"In Mpumalanga, we have Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s people, he has blessed them. He hasn’t blessed Al Jama-ah, but he’s very happy that Al Jama-ah is the first party that is giving his party a political home."

The Al Jama-ah party contested all provinces besides the Free State and Mpumalanga and only got 39,000 votes on the national ballot.