Thabiso Goba2 June 2024 | 13:45

NATJOINTS says it's ready to quell any potential unrest after results declaration

The National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure said it would protect the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)’s right to perform their constitutional duty. 

NATJOINTS says it's ready to quell any potential unrest after results declaration

The National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) held a media briefing in Pretoria on 2 June 2024. Picture: Thabiso Goba/ Eyewitness News.

PRETORIA - The police top brass says it is ready to quell any potential threats of unrest after the announcement of the election results on Sunday. 

On Saturday night, the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party, which is led by Former President Jacob Zuma said there wouldn’t be any declaration of results because the elections were rigged.

WATCH: 'Nobody is going to announce results tomorrow' - Zuma calls for vote recount

However, the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure said it would protect the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)’s right to perform their constitutional duty. 

NATJOINTS said this during a media briefing at the South African Police Service headquarters in Pretoria on Sunday. 

Police Minister Bheki Cele:

“The NATJOINTS have confirmed to the security cluster ministers of their readiness to ensure continued peaceful environment post the election results declaration. We would like to assure the country that the constitution provides the mandate to manage the elections to the IEC therefore the decision to declare the results rests solely with the IEC.”



The structure said it noted the MK Party’s intention to challenge the election results, and said this was the right of any political party.

In the same breath, Defence Minister Thandi Modise said parties also had the responsibility to respect the outcomes announced by the IEC.

 “We have not directly engaged with the MK Party. We have before elections called for calm, and asked people not to do that which is not legal in this country. We had also indicated we would not tolerate anyone bridging or tarnishing the name of South Africa thus far, because we have always behaved according to our Constitution.”

NATJOINTS said Saturday night’s comments from the MK leadership did not amount to any form of incitement.