Lindsay Dentlinger29 May 2024 | 6:25

'A historic election for independents,' says Zackie Achmat as he casts his vote in WC

Zackie Achmat was up with the sparrows on Wednesday morning to cast his ballot.

'A historic election for independents,' says Zackie Achmat as he casts his vote in WC

Independent candidate Zackie Achmat at the opening of the IEC's Western Cape Provincial Results Operations Centre on 26 May 2024. Picture: @Zackie2024/X

CAPE TOWN - The Western Cape’s only independent candidate appears he’s not going to be a slouch if he’s successful in getting into Parliament. 
Zackie Achmat was up with the sparrows on Wednesday morning to cast his ballot. 

He’s going up against several political big hitters who are also expected to cast their votes on Wednesday. 

Under the foot of Table Mountain here in Gardens, a long queue had already built up at Jan van Riebeeck Primary School.

Many young students were eagerly waiting for the doors to open.

“I just couldn’t wait, to be honest. I’m really excited. It’s my first time voting.”

People’s rights activist Zackie Achmat was among them, certainly intending not to be one of those “sleepist” MPs the EFF’s Mbuyiseni Ndlozi once referred to. 

“The job is really to go out there and work very hard. I think this is a historic election because independents are allowed to stand for the first time.”