Maki Molapo28 May 2024 | 17:21

2,828 soldiers to be deployed on election day to maintain law & order - Presidency

The deployment of the troops will be in partnership with the police, who have also deployed additional boots on the ground.

2,828 soldiers to be deployed on election day to maintain law & order - Presidency

FILE: An SANDF soldier on patrol in Alexandra on 13 July 2021 following days of rioting and looting in the township. Picture: Boikhutso Ntsoko/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG - President Cyril Ramaphosa has employed 2,828 national defence force members to combat crime and maintain law and order during Wednesday's elections. 

The deployment of the troops will be in partnership with the police, who have also deployed additional boots on the ground. 

This comes amid violent flare-ups in parts of the country this week, along with disruptions at some voting stations. 

The Presidency's spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya: "The employment of SANDF personnel will form part of Operation Prosper and applies from 20 May to 7 June 2024."