Thabiso Goba23 May 2024 | 5:45

MK Party founder Jabulani Khumalo insists he's still party’s registered leader

Jabulani Khumalo refuted claims by the IEC that it received a letter from the MK Party that stated it changed its leader from him to former President Jacob Zuma.

MK Party founder Jabulani Khumalo insists he's still party’s registered leader

Jabulani Khumalo refuted claims by the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) that it received a letter from the MK Party that stated it changed its leader from him to former President Jacob Zuma. Picture: Jacques Nelles/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG - The uMkhonto WeSizwe (MK) Party's founder, Jabulani Khumalo, insists he’s still the registered leader of the party.

Khumalo said he never wrote a letter to the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) transferring leadership of the party to former President Jacob Zuma.


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On Wednesday, Khumalo attended the launch of the IEC’s National Results Operation Centre.

For someone’s face to appear on the ballot next to the party logo, the IEC said they must be the registered leader of the organisation.

The IEC said it received a letter from the MK Party that stated it had changed its leader from Khumalo to Zuma.

While Khumalo acknowledges Zuma is the face of the party, he said he never relinquished leadership in the party.

“There is no letter that is written by me that I’m not a party leader,” said Khumalo.
A reporter asked, “When you were informing them that Zuma will be the face, were you indicating to them that you had resigned?”

“No, go back and read the letter and see what it says,” Khumalo replied.
In a court affidavit, Khumalo claimed his signature to change the leadership of the party was forged by the former president’s daughter, Duduzile Zuma.