Nokukhanya Mntambo18 May 2024 | 8:00

NHI 'operational complexities' to be ironed out - Ramaphosa

The NHI was signed into law but is still the subject of tough scrutiny as opposition parties and lobby groups criticise a lack of resources to fund the contentious legislation.

 NHI 'operational complexities' to be ironed out - Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa poses after signing the National Health Insurance Bill into law at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 15 May 2024. Picture: Picture: GCIS

JOHANNESBURG - ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa said kinks in the National Health Insurance (NHI) will be ironed out over time.

Ramaphosa made the comments on the sidelines of the party’s campaign trail in Kwazulu-Natal on Friday. 


The NHI was signed into law earlier in the week, but is still the subject of tough scrutiny as opposition parties and lobby groups criticise a lack of resources to fund the contentious legislation.

The NHI promises universal healthcare for all.

Ramaphosa admits that it won't be an overnight success.

"It’s not a once off type of process where 'boom' and one day NHI is operational. NHI, by its definition, has a number of processes built in the act. They’re going to take time to set up so it’s operational complexities are going to be ironed out as we move on."