Thabiso Goba2 May 2024 | 12:22

ANCYL introduces performance reviews for party members deployed to serve in govt

As the biggest party in the country, the ANC has thousands of its members working as public servants in local, provincial and national governments.

ANCYL introduces performance reviews for party members deployed to serve in govt

FILE: ANC Youth League president Collen Malatji during a media briefing on 2 May 2024. Picture: Thabiso Goba/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG – The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) says it has set up a system within Luthuli House to hold performance reviews for members deployed to serve in government.

The league says it has a duty to ensure the party’s youth agenda is fulfilled. 

On Thursday, the ANCYL hosted a media briefing at its headquarters in Johannesburg.

As the biggest party in the country, the ANC has thousands of its members working as public servants in local, provincial and national governments.

ANCYL president Collen Malatji says due to large numbers, it has been difficult for the party to track everyone. 

He says this oversight has led to a decline in electoral support for the ANC. 

“Since we have arrived in office, people are accounting. Some of them they were telling us it’s the first time they have come to Luthuli House, but they are deployed by Luthuli House. Those days of people moving around and not knowing what they are doing has ended.”

Meanwhile, the ANC is still locked in a court dispute with the Democratic Alliance regarding the handing over of its full cadre deployment records.