Creating special courts for political killings would be unfair for ordinary cases - John Jeffery
While KwaZulu-Natal battles a high rate of political killings Jeffrey says that doesn’t discount, or minimise the urgency of other cases.
Picture: Pixabay
DURBAN - Deputy Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development, John Jeffery believes creating special courts for political killings would be unfair for other ordinary cases.
He was speaking at the reopening of the newly refurbished Chatsworth Magistrates Court in Durban, on Friday.
While KwaZulu-Natal battles a high rate of political killings Jeffrey says that doesn’t discount or minimise the urgency of other cases.
“Political murders and KwaZulu-Natal are prioritised because they are a serious violence so is taxi violence, but you also can’t exclude other cases.”
He says the delays in such cases are entirely on the state adding the courts need to be fair.
“You can’t have someone who's relative was murdered, having to wait for years.”