Alpha Ramushwana16 April 2024 | 5:27

Parties taking to social media, doing dance challenges in bid to woo young voters

There have been growing concerns that the youth of South Africa isn’t interested in shaping the future of the country by abstaining from voting in the upcoming 29 May polls.

Parties taking to social media, doing dance challenges in bid to woo young voters

Picture: © inkdrop/

JOHANNESBURG - In typical South African fashion, there is a song for every occasion, including protests, when people are jubilant or even during election campaigns.

As parties intensify their bids to win over support, established organisations have taken not only to social media, but to dance challenges to woo young voters.

Over recent weeks the governing African National Congress (ANC) has been trending on social media platforms like TikTok.

When it comes to the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)'s rallies, it's featured several online influencers, while the main opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), has held live answer and question sessions.

All this amid growing concerns that the youth of South Africa isn’t interested in shaping the future of the country. 

Bula Nthweo, a popular song by Vetku, Mahoota and DJ Maphorisa, has become an unofficial elections tune associated with the ANC on the socials.

This, with one video after the next, features young people clad in the ANC’s green, black, and gold performing the "Come Duze" challenge, while the EFF’s rallies have prominently featured the three young men who have taken the world by storm through their "Tshwala Bami" challenge.

As voters mull over who to support, don’t be surprised to see more leaders taking up dance challenges or engaging their audiences online.