Chante Hohip10 April 2024 | 8:05

What does it mean to be bumped off a flight?

Airlines often oversell and are left with more passengers than there are seats.

What does it mean to be bumped off a flight?

Photo: Pixabay/JoshuaWoroniecki

John Maytham speaks to writer, Andrew Thompson.

Listen to the discussion below.

Getting bumped off a flight means being denied boarding because there are more passengers scheduled to fly on an airplane than there are available seats.

It is often done voluntarily or airlines target passengers who have not yet checked in online.

While it is not illegal, it can sometimes cause major inconveniences.

Thompson says globally airlines have adopted the compensation approach, rescheduling flights for free, and offering free upgrades or returns.

In South Africa, this issue falls under the Consumer Protection Act. 

“Every airline in South Africa oversells tickets, whether they acknowledge it or not. The idea is because there are a certain number of no-shows per flight and they would rather like to sell again instead of fly with empty seas.”
Andrew Thompson, writer

It is at the airline’s discretion how many seats will be oversold and how they will deal with bumped passengers. 

Although it is rare in South Africa, says Thompson. 

Lift Airlines reported that of the two million passengers they have flown since launching three years ago, only 20 were denied boarding.

Fly Safair disclosed that their number was quite small as well.

“Locally, it’s very rare and I think it also has to do with the fact that locally our planes are not often packed to the rafter… there is usually a little wiggle room. Major overbooking often happens on those big European routes.”
Andrew Thompson, writer

Scroll up to the audio player to listen to the interview.