Nokukhanya Mntambo 16 March 2024 | 8:23

PCS submits recommendations on remote and hybrid work for public servants

The PSC made the recommendations in the latest report on the impact of hybrid work on service delivery in the public sector.

PCS submits recommendations on remote and hybrid work for public servants

Picture: Pixabay

JOHANNESBURG - The Public Service Commission has made several recommendations to digitise the public sector as some government employees look to work form home.

The PSC made the recommendations in the latest report on the impact of the hybrid work on service delivery in the public sector. 


Post the Covid-19 pandemic, the public sector watchdog flagged the lack of legislation regulating remote work amid calls for a permanent hybrid solution.

The study by the PSC found that exisiting primary legislation and policies are mum on the work from home or hybrid work arrangements.

This gap was addressed through the passing of interim regulations and guidelines.

These interim measures enabled deartments to put measures in place to comply with the Covid-19 regulations while mitigating the impact of service delivery. 

PSC commissioner Anele Gxoyiya has called on the Department of Public Service and Administration to implement regulations in two years. 

The PSC says government must conduct a cost analysis of hybrid work for non-essential departments.