Melikhaya Zagagana 11 March 2024 | 10:16

Extortionists threatening waste collection staff impact service delivery, says CoCT

The City of Cape Town is worried about the increased threats to some of its waste collection staff.

Extortionists threatening waste collection staff impact service delivery, says CoCT

A bird's eye view of the City of Cape Town. Picture: SkyPixels/Wikimedia Commons

CAPE TOWN - The City of Cape Town is urgently calling on Atlantis residents to help in the arrest of those who continue to threaten its waste collection staff.

The city says its staff has repeatedly been intimidated and ordered to pay racket money every week.

Despite the metro establishing a campaign dedicated to fighting the scourge of extortion across Cape Town last year, the headache refuses to go away.

The city has warned that continuous threats and intimidation to its waste removal staff will hinder service delivery.

The municipality said its staff in Atlantis had been intimidated and extorted every week by unknown suspects.

It said over R110 million worth of its Department of Human Settlement projects have already been halted amid threats of violence against contractors.

The metro has since deployed security agencies in extortion hotspots to ensure services are delivered to residents.

The municipality is now pleading with Atlantis residents to also join hands in ensuring the safety of contractors at work.