Tshidi Madia19 February 2024 | 4:28

Jardine set to launch Change Starts Now manifesto in Soweto

Roger Jardine launched his party in December last year.

Jardine set to launch Change Starts Now manifesto in Soweto

The founder of new political party Change Starts Now Roger Jardine addressing the Cape Town Press Club on 6 February 2024. Picture: Lindsay Dentlinger/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG - Former banker Roger Jardine’s Change Starts Now outfit is launching its 2024 manifesto in Soweto on Monday morning. 
This follows a clean-up campaign it held in the lead-up to this event at the weekend. 
The organisation said the clean-up campaign formed part of its pledge to restore overlooked public spaces and facilities. 
Jardine launched his party in December last year. 
This week will see former banker and Primedia CEO, Roger Jardine, deliver his maiden manifesto. 
He’s doing so in a month where some of the country’s largest political parties are pitching their different proposals to the electorate but for Jardine, he hopes to present an offer that could change the political landscape. 
When he launched his party, he told Eyewitness News that for Change Starts Now, it would be important to develop action plans that were directly informed by the views of citizens. 
"A small group or coterie of businessmen are not going to decide the future of this country. We have to have a face of government that listens, that learns from people, that acts accordingly."
Jardine’s outfit will hold a solidarity walk at the Walter Sisulu Square in Kliptown, with the former businessman expected to deliver his manifesto around midday.