Melikhaya Zagagana9 February 2024 | 6:30

Masemola: Investigators probing if more police involved in disappearance of guns in Mitchells Plain

The national police commissioner said the loss of guns at Mitchells Plain Police Station has become a regular occurrence but said the SAPS would ensure perpetrators are brought to book.

Masemola: Investigators probing if more police involved in disappearance of guns in Mitchells Plain

The National Police Commissioner, Fannie Masemola. Picture: X/SAPoliceService

CAPE TOWN - National Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola said investigators were hard at work to find out if more police officials are involved in the disappearance of guns in Mitchells Plain.

Masemola was speaking at the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) address on Thursday before the State of the Nation Address (SONA).

The commissioner acknowledged that the loss of guns at Mitchells Plain Police Station had become a norm.

In 2017, 14 guns were stolen at the station and only the station commissioner was dismissed, while the firearms were not recovered.

Masemola said the South African Police Service (SAPS) would ensure that perpetrators would be brought to book.

"We have arrested one that was involved in theft, and we are investigating the possibility of looking there being any other members involved and we will deal with them accordingly in terms of the law. I also have a team that is busy looking at the processes."

The commissioner added that the incident had tarnished the image of committed officers who were always on the right side of the law.