Lindsay Dentlinger8 February 2024 | 4:29

Ramaphosa recovering well from illness and will be ready to deliver SONA - Presidency

President Cyril Ramaphosa will take stock of his government’s achievements at a joint sitting of both houses of Parliament at the Cape Town City Hall on Thursday night.

Ramaphosa recovering well from illness and will be ready to deliver SONA - Presidency

FILE: President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers his 2023 State of the Nation Address. Picture: GCIS

CAPE TOWN - Despite suffering from a bout of flu this week, the Presidency said that President Cyril Ramaphosa was recovering well and would be ready to deliver the final State of the Nation Address (SONA) of this administration on Thursday night. 

In South Africa’s 30th year of democracy, his spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya, said this would very much be a key theme of his speech. 

Ramaphosa will take stock of his government’s achievements at a joint sitting of both houses of Parliament at the Cape Town City Hall on Thursday night. 

President Cyril Ramaphosa was the chair of the Constitutional Assembly which produced the Constitution. 

Three decades on, Magwenya said that Thursday night’s State of the Nation Address will be an invitation for no one to be left behind in building society and growing the economy. 

"The president and Cabinet are committed to serving the nation with the necessary intensity and energy until the end of the term. The foot is very much on the pedal in this regard." 

Thursday night’s State of the Nation Address will set the tone for government’s spending priorities ahead of the tabling of the national budget in two weeks’ time. 

"You do speed up in the home stretch. You don’t slow down. So, that’s the spirit." 

Parliament will debate the president’s address over two days next week before he’s expected to reply next Thursday.