Lindsay Dentlinger24 January 2024 | 12:52

Inflation rate for 2023 lower than in 2022 but South Africans still battling rising food prices

Stats SA said food inflation softened for five food and non-alcoholic beverages sub-categories in December.

Inflation rate for 2023 lower than in 2022 but South Africans still battling rising food prices

Picture: Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - The inflation rate for 2023 may have ended lower than in 2022, at 6%, but South Africans continue to buckle under the cost of rising food prices. 

Stats SA reported on Wednesday that several product categories ended the year higher than annual inflation, including food and non-alcoholic beverages. 

Food inflation dropped to 8.5% in December, marginally lower than November’s 9%. 

Stats SA said food inflation softened for five food and non-alcoholic beverages sub-categories in December. 

These include bread and cereals, oils and fats, sweets and desserts, vegetables and hot beverages. 

Stats SA's Patrick Kelly: "The bread and cereals price index declined by 0.2% between November and December, lowering the annual rate for this category to 7.5%."

But sugar, meat, milk, eggs, cheese, fish and fruit were all on the up. 

Annual meat inflation rate ticked up to 3.9% in December from 3.5% in November. 

Sugar prices also continue to escalate. 

White sugar is 20.1% and brown sugar 24.6% more expensive than a year ago.