Eyewitness News18 January 2024 | 11:16

Ghaleb Cachalia quits DA over demotion for pro-Palestine remarks

Ghaleb Cachalia has quit the Democratic Alliance (DA) as both a party member and as a member of Parliament.

Ghaleb Cachalia quits DA over demotion for pro-Palestine remarks

Ghaleb Cachalia. Picture: Facebook

JOHANNESBURG - Ghaleb Cachalia has quit the Democratic Alliance (DA), saying the party had a growing dysfunctional, undemocratic and authoritarian tendency.

Cachalia’s resignation follows a dispute related to utterances he made over the conflict in the Middle East.

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On Thursday, he announced that he was resigning as both a party member and an MP, after serving as the DA's public enterprises spokesperson.

Cachalia was removed from the position in November for making pro-Palestine remarks.

The DA argued that he was in breach of a resolution of the party's stance on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.