Carlo Petersen17 January 2024 | 8:12

Safety of pupils in gang-ravaged Cape communities in the spotlight as academic year resumes

The academic year kicks off amid an escalating gang war in neighbourhoods including Hanover Park and Manenberg.

Safety of pupils in gang-ravaged Cape communities in the spotlight as academic year resumes


CAPE TOWN - Safety concerns have been highlighted for pupils at schools in gang-ravaged communities in Cape Town.
In an escalating gang war in neighbourhoods including Hanover Park and Manenberg, seven people have died in two days.
Manenberg Secondary School principal Cameron Williams told Eyewitness News that despite the threat of gang violence, they are ready for the academic year.

“We are ready for the 2024 academic year. We have completed our placement of our learners. All the teachers are at our schools and we already have our timetable ready.”

He said he's not too concerned about the safety of school learners as the school has a good relationship with gang leaders in the area.